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Machine Exercise 2

1. What is the purpose of using frames in this activity?
Through the use of frames, we are able to display more than one HTML document in the same browser window. But there are some disadvantages, we must keep track of more HTML documents and it is hard to print the entire page.
2. What is the procedure of creating frames on a Web page?
First we type the frameset tag and define if we are going to use row or column and their size in the page. <frameset rows="25%,75%"> for rows or <frameset cols="25%,75%"> for column. The 25% pertains to the width of the 1st column from 100% it will only take 25%. The 75% pertains to the 2nd column that it will take on 75% out of the remaining 75% of the column width of the page. Next is putting the link of the html documents and how many frames to use. We just put <frame src="x.htm" name="x"> src pertains to the html document and the name will be the basis for the html document to be placed in the first frame. Then we must make a html document with the name x.htm and put a hyperlink. By using an anchor tag <a href ="frame1.htm" target ="y">Frame 1</a> this will display the link of frame1.htm to the first column of the frame, hyperlink labeled Frame 1. Then when the link is clicked, the page will be displayed in the frame2. Then we can now put another frame that will fill the 75% of the page <frame src="y.htm" name="y"> this will fill the 75% of the frame. Then we must make another html document named y.htm. Here we can put a welcome banner or marquee for it to be displayed after the page have been loaded. Then we just put </frameset> to close the frameset tag. Therefore in this example the hyperlinks will be displayed on the first frame and the page will be loaded on the 2nd frame.